
Photo Courtesy of UMN College of Liberal Arts

Patricia Hampl ’64

  • What are you doing currently?
    • I’m a writer and have published 9 books (2 poetry, 7 essays, and memoirs), as well as various pieces in magazines–The New Yorker, Paris Review, New York Times, etc. I graduated from Vis in 1964–wow, that sounds historical. I attended the Fairmount Avenue school, a magical place.
  • How has your experience at Visitation shaped your life?
    • That’s easy.  The English courses I took at Vis, especially those taught by the magnificent Sister Mary Regina, set my course as a writer for life.  She had us reading serious “grown-up” novels as freshmen, and had a brilliant editorial mind.  I learned how to write sentences from her.  And Sister Peronne Marie, my French teacher, was equally influential.  These women, though strictly cloistered, opened the world to and for me.
  • What would your advice be to current students at Vis?
    • I’m not good at advice! I’m better at encouragement, and would only say drink it all in–it’s an extraordinary tradition.

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