Photo Courtesy of Kristie Anderson, KEA Photography
Shelagh Mullen ’82
- What are you doing currently?
- I started at Vis in 4th grade, and our class size was about 8 girls. Some of whom I still keep in contact with today! As High School approached, our class size grew, and I definitely still see most of my high school friends. The class of ’82 was a great class with amazing women! In college (University of Wisconsin-Stout) I studied Graphic Design, which I’ve been doing ever since. But in the past few years, I’ve made a bit of a pivot in my career. As well as creating and designing packaging for local food businesses, I now am a recipe developer, and I teach cooking classes. I also have a recipe blog/website. I’ve been creating recipes and photography for about 5 years. I love both and found a way to make them work together.
- How has your experience at Visitation shaped your life?
- I didn’t realize my art classes at Vis, in particular a class called ‘Commercial Art’, taught by Ms. Seidl, would be the direction I’d take until I was about a sophomore in college. Commercial Art (is now referred to as Graphic Design), and I didn’t even realize it. I really loved all my art classes, but I wasn’t a ‘fine artist’. I’ve always been creative, but couldn’t draw worth a lick. Graphic design opened big doors in my world, and I still love it.
- What would your advice be to current students at Vis?
- My advice to current Vis students would be to be patient with yourself. You don’t need to know what you want to go into when you are 18 years old. You may not figure it out until long after that. Stay in school because college has a way of bringing on ‘a ha!’ moments, and things will eventually click. They did for me. Explore different career options, take classes, find hobbies, join clubs. All are great ways to find that special something that will work for you. Even almost 40 years later, I’m still exploring and learning.