Elizabeth Wollan ’15

  • What are you doing currently?
    • I currently work as a legal analyst at a law firm in Washington, D.C., where I help attorneys in matters of anti-corruption and international white-collar crime work. This fall, I will be transitioning to graduate school at Georgetown University, where I will be studying international conflict negotiation and resolution, foreign policy, and international law in the hopes to become an international negotiator to the United Nations or legal counsel for the State Department.
  • How has your experience at Visitation shaped your life?
    • It is nearly impossible to identify an area of my life that has not been critically formed by my time at Vis. I am a more globally conscious, more civically engaged, and more service-oriented person because of Vis. Whether it be my relationships with the Sisters, learning from such tremendously talented and tenacious teachers (principally among them, the language, arts, history, and English departments), and growing alongside such incredible fellow students, Vis has provided me with relationships and experiences that set the foundation for my life.
  • What would your advice be to current students at Vis?
    • You are navigating a lot, powerhouses—be gentle on yourselves! There are a thousand things I would tell my high-school self, but the most important thing I’d say is don’t be afraid of being in progress—everyone can be so wrapped up in trying to have it all together, and absolutely not a single person, at any age, does. So knowing that, breathe. Be authentic, understanding, and forgiving—that goes for towards yourself and towards others. Prioritize your mental health as much as you can. Remember that everyone has something to teach you. Be curious, follow your passions, and don’t be afraid of exploring and trying new things. Use your privilege to bring others in and to give a platform to those around you. Celebrate the successes of others—those don’t make you any less extraordinary. Be where your feet are, be who you are, and know that above all else, you are wonderfully and beautifully enough. Oh, and all us Vis grads are in your corner, so reach out if you ever need a reminder that you’ve got this, Blazers.

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