
Caroline Schlehuber, Colorado College

“You have full power over who you are and who you become. YOU choose what you wear, do, think, say, etc. You will feel so much more fulfilled in life if you let go of the path already created for you, and instead forge your own.”

“Normality is a paved road: it’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow”. – Van Gogh

Tess Cavanaugh: I will you my whole heart and the futon in my dorm room. You make such a difference in so many people’s lives just by existing, my dear. Love you endlessly, and COME VISIT NEXT YEAR!!

Maura McMahon: I cannot wait to see what amazing things you will do in the future, and give me a call if you ever need someone to start a band with. I will you all the coolest riffs and harmonies.

Ava Kirr: I will you all the mafia boss cats in the world and all my love of course. Keep being the radiant, giggling ray of sunshine you are. See you in herbtopia 😉

Paloma Gudio: I will you an amazing high school experience! Live it to its fullest. Love you lots, little sis!

Ginny Kraus, Maia Sutton, and Maura McMahon: I will you Friday Morning Music and our group chat with Mrs. Sutton and Mr. Bell. Cherish the ability to play music together. Cherish those powerful moments of peace. I will miss you all dearly.

Solveig Fellows, Elsa Bildtsen, Grace Keeley, and Kazi Hankee: I will you the back table of the pottery studio and Mrs. Burg. Keep making art in all forms. Live, Laugh, Love, Wabi-Sabi.

Class of 2024: I will you Owen Schlehuber and all of his antics. Keep him in line for me.

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