
Claire F. Geis, Providence College

“Do not take this last year for granted. It will go faster than you could ever imagine. Go out on weeknights and spend hours laughing with your friends. Make the most of the last few moments you have with your class and, most importantly, get excited for the future.”

To Lucia, Abbey, and Gabi, I will my dear sister Sophia – please keep her alive in my absence.

To Jana and Ava, I will always being the middle back for photos and being the best people to run into in the hallway.

To Anna, the attack to my defense, I will being the tall, curly-haired blonde girl and never wearing shorts to practice.

To Mira, I will the STA Clay Target team, Mr. Matelski, and Spanish teachers everywhere.

To Lola, I will the inability to park within the lines and Emily the trainers’ room.

To Mary Kate, I will Life club and ’88 STA dads.

To Sienna, I will always being injured and judging a guy’s date-ability by their height.

To Sophia, I will mom and dad, the cop car, 5 am study dates, Matthew, Mrs. D’s office, and, best of all, my bed.


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