Lauren Sexton, Boston College

Always choose positivity! Spread joy to those around you; Say hi to everyone in the halls. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh and don’t be afraid to make new connections. Go to as many sports games and activities as you can and be present. And most importantly, be true to who you are and have confidence!

Sam Wills and Elle Springer: D-Squad golf spirit and Mendota Heights Par 3
The basketball team: my ankle taping skills, the mini trampoline, an abundance of Aquaphor, and our dynamic warm-up. Remember to never eat Cane’s or Noodles before games (for real seriously)

Lucia Lazarus: flexes doing math homework and spot 1 right next to Mrs. Murray’s desk

Maggie Farley: Harry Potter Club Leader

Hannah Rae Schreier and Veda Mehaffey: Mr. Horttor’s frog candy stash

Molly Kolar: my yellow morph suit and pregame dodgeball motivation #cougs

Lily Noble: all the St Louis hype

The Vis student body: My adoration for Taco Tuesday, especially the beef tachos

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