Elizabeth Michel, University of Mary

“Always live in the present moment. Trust in God’s mercy and love. Believe that you are capable of doing hard things. Believe that there will be good out of the suffering you endure. You are beautiful and strong. Never lose hope.”

Lucia (Cia): I leave you the car and dad’s bluetooth speaker. I will miss our car rides to and from school listening to country music or whatever music we’re into at the moment. I can’t wait to see where God will lead you, and I’m so excited to hear about what you will accomplish at Vis.

Molly Kolar, Evie Hanson, and Grace Loonan: I will you the ability to run in the front of the pack during warm up and meet prep with the candy cane:) Run fast, take care of your body, make memories on long runs, and remember to cherish the small amounts of progress.

Lovey Farrell: I will you google maps and trips to Target, and PLEASE don’t end up on nonexistent road. I am so happy that I got to know you over these past two years, and if you ever need an older sister, I’m just a Facetime call away.

Clara Crow: I will you all my Georgetown spirit! Go Dawgs! Always stay close to Jesus because He will be your guiding light. I can’t wait to hear about all the things you will accomplish at Vis and beyond!

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