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Class of 2024 Senior Willings Part Two

Each year, Visitation seniors entrust their favorite traditions, possessions, and inside jokes to their underclassmen sisters for safekeeping. Here are the memories that the Class of 2024 wishes to share with you.
Emme Engel- Texas Christian University
Emme Engel- Texas Christian University

Abbey Farley – the strength to get through math class senior year <3 I know I couldn’t have made it without you.
Ruth Haile – the strength to never lose your smile during junior year even if it can be hellish. You have the best smile and laugh from anyone I’ve ever met. <3 I also will you Georgetown Pride – GO DAWGS!!
2024-2025 Senior Class STUCO Reps: I will you the strength to get through winter week and Mr. Nelson’s snack closet in STUCO meetings (seriously the best).

Lily Callanan-Colby College
Lily Callanan-Colby College

Lucia Michel and Bella Strobel ~ I will you costume crew, floor time, the intermission Twizzlers, and deep talks in the costume room during every show!!


Meryl Rosenberger and Lauren Cameron ~ I will you the tennis pre-match huddles, the standing on the table talks, and singing WIN before every match.


Lucia Lazarus, Lovey Farrell, and Lauren Kahley ~ I will you the pre-race glitter and snacks at Wirth after practice. 


Lucia Michel ~ I will you Trader Joe’s runs, the costume apron, and late-night drives. 


Maia Sutton ~ I will you pin curling, Boygenius, costume room gossip sessions, and aux in the costume room 🙂


Hannah Choi and Claire Kane ~ I will you Starbucks runs and dancing in the wings backstage every show. 


Josie Katras ~ I will you all the best St. Paul Carpools!

Lucy Fyten-Regis University
Lucy Fyten-Regis University

Abbey Farley – the strength to get through math class senior year <3 I know I couldn’t have made it without you.

Ruth Haile – the strength to never lose your smile during junior year even if it can be hellish. You have the best smile and laugh from anyone I’ve ever met. <3 I also will you Georgetown Pride – GO DAWGS!!

2024-2025 Senior Class STUCO Reps: I will you the strength to get through winter week and Mr. Nelson’s snack closet in STUCO meetings (seriously the best). 

Nadia Williams- University of Southern California
Nadia Williams- University of Southern California

To Maia Sutton : grounded, airy, and water. “don’t even fret”

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