Today, one doesn’t need to have mental issues or traumatic experiences to ask for help. There is a stigma regarding therapy, and in turn, it can lead to low self-esteem and feelings of inferiority. However, therapy can provide a positive alternative and lead to growth in relationships with family, friends, and others. A student might need a therapist to address issues such as relationship problems, social anxiety, or general life concerns.
In schools, a common resource is to have a school counselor. The counselor can be an incredibly reassuring presence in the life of any student. They can help with schoolwork, personal issues, or other problems that might seem overwhelming. Standardized testing like SATs and AP tests require intense studying and pressure which may lead to stress and anxiety. Talking to someone can help deal with these issues before they get out of hand, but a student doesn’t need to have overwhelming problems in their day-to-day life to seek counseling. Young children and teens have busy, stressful schedules, so talking through their thoughts or concerns promotes a healthier mental state. Talking to a school counselor, therapist, or community group are all great ways to gain another perspective.
In the larger community, churches, as well as other organizations like trade unions and local groups, offer counseling or similar resources. Many universities have counseling services on campus where one can go to talk in person with a professional and one doesn’t need a diagnosis to seek these resources. People of all ages can benefit from therapy and it is often a good idea to seek a therapist when life starts to feel overwhelming. The World Health Organization (WHO) has established that mental health issues are an important aspect of overall health for all people, diagnosed, or not.